NADRA Integration
An application is developed to act as middleware between NADRA and MCB AH core business applications to request for customer information and check from local/NADRA database to load customer demographics.
Another interface is developed to further verify the biometric fingerprint data of customers with NADRA repository for verification process.
FATCA Reporting Submission System
As a Financial Institute (FI), MCB AH is required to annually submit information about foreign account holder’s information to US departments. An application is developed to perform ETL along with message creation and submission in order to fulfill this requirement.
WebBachat Portal
MCB AH is an investment bank which requires middleware web services to provide access to IVR System, WebBachat web portal and also ATM machines. We have developed REST Web services for this project. These services expose methods to request certain information on request and provide responses in raw format.
All the services are configured via TLS using secured and encrypted communication.
IT Consultancy (5 Years)
Techno Channels was the advisor/consultant to Arif Habib Investment Ltd. Core responsibilities were to study and analyze client’s requirement and pick best solution for company by meeting vendors, studying solutions, recommendation for the solution, reporting, negotiation with the vendors etc.